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El club de la Máquina del Pan

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    Inicio > Historias > Pan de patata de dulce19

    Pan de patata de dulce19

    Recogemos una receta dejada en un comentario de esta bitácora. Y tiene muy buena pinta...

    • agua o leche 300ml
      (puede hacerse mitad y mitad)
    • mantequilla 25g
    • huevo 1
    • patata cocida triturada 150g
    • sal 1cc
    • azucar 1cc
    • harina tipo 1050 630g
      (recordamos que esta harina es de tipo integral)
    • fermento seco (lev)1paq.

    Se pone en el programa (RAPIDO)

    Nos cuenta dulce19:

    hay que poner la cantidad justa de patatas puesto que si no se eleva demasiado y se pega en el visor de la maquina .

    no dejen de probarlo esta BUENISIMO!!

    (duda: me parece "bastante" harina, pero así nos ha llegado la receta)

    recetas |2005-01-24 01:00 | 49 Comentarios

    Referencias (TrackBacks)

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    De: dulce Fecha: 2005-01-25 13:43

    Hola: con respecto a la cantidad de harina del pan de patata es lo que indica , si alguien prueba con menos ,os lo contais despues.
    otra cosita la harina de tipo 1050 creo yo que no es la integral, es la normal para pan.

    De: ElPez Fecha: 2005-01-25 13:49

    Como ya expliqué en una historia anterior, la harina 1050 corresponde al tipo integral habitual de por aquí...

    De: Goya Fecha: 2005-01-30 17:46

    ¡Hola! De nuevo ando por aquí para preguntar cuánto tiempo puedo conservar la levadura de panadería en la nevera, y si es mejor congelarla como he leído por ahí. Compré hace poco medio kilo, y creo que ya no es tan efectiva como al principio, no hace subir tanto el pan, y pienso que puede ser porque está "pasada". Muchas gracias y adelante con este maravilloso blog.

    De: albert Fecha: 2005-01-30 22:15

    como hacer pan en una de estas maquinitas y que salga blanco , ami no ay manera , con harina blanca y tiene el mismo el mismo color que si fuera con harina integral

    De: Goya Fecha: 2005-02-01 10:06

    Hola Albert. A mí me sale en plan muy blanquito en cualquiera de los programas: pongo 300 ml. de agua, 15 grs. de levadura de panadería, 500 grs. de harina de panadería, dos cucharadas y media de agua y dos cucharadas y media de sal. En la receta original dice que hay que ponerle dos cucharaditas de mantequilla, pero a mí no me gusta. Espero haberte servido de ayuda (mi máquina es una Princess)

    De: sandra Fecha: 2005-08-11 01:35

    Que tal... a todos los amantes del pan estoy siguiendo una maestria en panes a si q me interesa todas sus experiencias y trucos, he leido sus recetas estan espectaculares empezare por la primera bueno bye

    De: sandra Fecha: 2005-08-11 01:39

    pAra saber si todavia sirve tu levadura la pones en una vaso de agua tibia y remueves si vez q sale espuma en poca cantidad esta hechada a perder ya q esta deberia salir como un champagne, Bueno espero q te ayude GOYA

    De: Asun Fecha: 2006-01-16 13:45

    Me han regalado una panificadora Princes, he entrado en vuestro foro, como soy novata muchas cosas no las capto, por ejemplo harina de 1050-630g., levadura fresca de tal marca, levadura de panaderia, me podrias indicar sobre una información general del asunto, no la tengo por ningún problema de salud, gracias a Dios.Os lo agradecería.

    De: Magui Fecha: 2006-07-28 05:08

    De acuerdo a lo que he leido, de acuerdo a las normas alemanas es:
    405 y 415 Harinas refinadas, para pasteles.
    550 Harina blanca, para pizza y pasteles
    1050 Harina de fuerza, para pan
    1700 Harina integral
    1150 Harina de Centeno

    De: jacinton andres castrillon Fecha: 2006-08-25 18:06

    nececito trabajo

    De: ariel andres castrillon Fecha: 2006-08-25 18:07

    soy gay

    De: ariel andrestrujillo Fecha: 2006-08-25 18:08

    soy gay loca tambien

    De: marisol Fecha: 2006-08-25 18:25

    hola, ya tengo mi panificadora kenwood 200; el problema es con las harinas,mi primer pan me salio regular, un poco crudo por dentro. Le puse harina normal de super y levadura de sobre potax, no se si estos engredientes son los adecuados o tienen que ser otros mas especificos, en el libro de recetas no lo especifica, solo habla de levadura seca y de las harinas no comenta de que tipo son mejores, ando algo despistadilla, porfa.... haber si alguien me puede aclarar estos puntos, estoy deseando hacer un buen pan y mi familia deseando probarlo, gracias anticipadas.

    De: Esther Fecha: 2006-08-29 17:16

    Yo estoy usando harina del super normal y corriente. Eso si, estoy comprando la extra. Como levadura, estoy usando una de fresca llamada L'Hirondelle. La encuentro en el super en pequeños dados. De cada dado me salen 4 panes. Nunca he usado Potax ya que por este foro alguien decia que no era la levadura adecuada para hacer pan y le hice caso.

    De: DHARMA Fecha: 2006-08-29 19:31

    Hola a todos!!!
    Soy novata!!! y quisiera que algien fuera tan amable de indicarme los tipos de harinas que hay con sus equivalencias numericas, asi como los tipos de levadura y el uso de cada una. Una indicación tipo esquema no vendria mal.
    Me encanta la pagina y prometo probar todas vuestras recetas... si invento alguna os haré participe. Gracias por vuestra ayuda

    De: marisol Fecha: 2006-08-31 11:27

    gracias esther por tu ayuda, te comento algo que alomejor tu ya sabes: el otro dia me entere que en ldl vendian harinas apropiadas para panificadoras y alli me fui, para mi sorpresa te dire que me encontre con 5 tipos de harina para 5 tipos de pan, rustico, integral, de avena. de pipas y de cereales, esta harina ya lleva la levadura incorporada, asi que solo tengo que añadir agua y listo, salen muy ricos asi que hago pan todos los dias poniendo los ingredientes que se me ocurren, trocitos de nueces, elbaricoques secos, pasas, ciruelas secas, canela, gegibre etc....Todos los dias antes de ir a trabajar preparo la maquina con los ingredientes, y todos los dias comemos pan rico rico.... de todas formas voy a probar como tu me aconsejas ya te contare y gracias de nuevo por tu ayuda.

    De: marisol Fecha: 2006-09-02 13:56

    como ya os he comentado, el pan me sale de fabula, pero me gustaria acompañarlo por la mañana con un poco de mermelada, se que la panificadora puede hacerlas,si alguien puede pasarme algunas recetas se lo agradeceria mucho, he buscado paginas sobre el tema y nada, todas las que encuentro son recetas para hecer en el fuego, gracias anticipadas

    De: jorge Fecha: 2006-10-20 10:55

    ¿a cuanto correspondo un sobre de levadura, en gramos? ¿la patata cocida se refiere a hervida?

    De: Martha Elena Fecha: 2006-11-12 02:31

    soy nueva en el foro,y no se si lo estoy haciendo bien.alguien me puede indicar como hacerlo?

    De: Martha Elena Fecha: 2006-11-12 02:43

    soy argentina y tengo una máquina de pan marca Atma es muy buena.Si alguien tiene la misma me puede dar la receta del brioche?

    De: Martha Elena Fecha: 2006-11-12 02:58

    ¿quiero saber que quiere decir URL,es una sigla que figura en el formulario de inscripción.

    De: Martha Ellena Fecha: 2006-11-12 21:08

    soy de mar del plata,tengo una máquina Atma comprada en fravega buenisima y pido la receta de brioche correspondiente a esa fabricadora de pan. la tiene alguien? por favor espero contestación.gracias

    De: Carmela Fecha: 2007-07-19 21:59

    Yo sigo queriendo aprender a hacer ricos bizcohcos y, si es posible, cosas buenas de bollería.
    Mi máquina es una alemana que no me acuerdo como se llama (es de las de sin teflón) y en el recetario me dicen unas cosas rarísimas, por ejemplo: nose cuanto de harina, no se cuanto de agua.... "trigo harina" ¿eso que puede ser? o "semolina" ¿será sémola molida?.
    A ver si entre todos me echais una mano.

    De: JORGE SEVILLA Fecha: 2007-10-02 14:04

    Alguien tiene la receta del pan centeno , para ser elaborado en una máquina ATMA?, GRACIAS

    De: jennifer Fecha: 2008-09-24 16:48

    Truco: si añades huevo, el pan se conserva mucho mejor

    De: Atajou Fecha: 2008-10-26 00:18

    La cantidad de harina son 460 gr. Algo menos de lo que aparece en la receta.

    Es una receta que aparece en el recetario de la bifinet kh1172 (la que venden en el Lidl).

    En el libro de recetas dice que el programa es el "normal" que dura unas 3 horas.
    (Según las instrucciones:
    11 minutos de amasado,
    35 de "subida",
    17 para 2º amasado,
    30 de subida + 50 de subida,
    62 de horno).

    Lo que no sé todavía es que quiere decir harina 1050.
    En el libro aparecen varios tipos de harina o la 1050 o la 550 o la 405. Yo de momento uso siempre la del DIA porque sé que es de fuerza...

    De: Magda Fecha: 2009-03-12 22:59

    Hola buen dia
    a mi familia nos gusta la Pizza y me gustaria aprender a elaborarla ya que asi como esta la economia sale mejor hacerla, agradecere me puedan dar alguna recetas

    De: Karamba Fecha: 2009-03-14 01:43

    Hola Magda, aqui te envio algunas recetas de masas para pizza, espero te sirvan.
    Un saludo

    Pizza a la Piedra
    2 Tazas de harina de trigo (320 grs.)
    ¾ Taza de agua (180 cc.)
    ½ cubito de 38 grs. de levadura fresca o 10 grs. levadura seca directo a la masa.
    1 Cucharadita de azúcar (6 grs.)
    1 Cucharada de sal (8 grs.)
    1 Cucharada de manteca vegetal (20 grs.)
    1.- En un recipiente de la maquina añada el agua indicada en la receta y luego incorpore la harina, el azúcar la sal, la manteca y la levadura.
    2.- Presione el PROGRAMA 8 PASTA (masa), 1:30 CONFIRMAR MEDIDA para que la maquina comience a amasar.
    3.- Después de 10 minutos de amasado detenga la maquina presionando STOP o TERMINO y retire la masa del molde.
    4.- Corte 2 ovillos de 270 grs. aproximadamente y deje reposar los bollos durante 10 minutos cubiertos con un paño o plástico.
    5.- Unte los dedos en aceite y extienda la masa hasta tener un espesor de 1 centímetro de alto.
    6.- Pinche la masa varias veces con un tenedor y luego pinte la superficie con una mezcla de salsa de tomate y orégano.
    7.- Hornee 10 a 12 minutos en cocina convencional.
    8.- Deje enfriar, luego rellene y decore a su gusto.
    Alternativas de Relleno
    Pizza de Atún
    3 Tomates maduros
    1 Tarro grande de atún en aceite
    1 Lata de anchoas en aceite
    Condimento para pizza (a gusto)
    2 Dientes de ajo
    Sal y pimienta a gusto
    2 Cucharadas de aceite
    8 Aceitunas negras
    1.- Pelar los tomates. Quitar las semillas y procesar junto con los dientes de ajo pelados.
    2.- Agregar el atún escurrido y desmenuzado.
    3.- Condimentar con sal, pimienta y condimentos para pizza.
    4.- Agregar las dos cucharadas de aceitey mezclar bien.
    5.- Distribuir luego sobre la masa.
    6.- Colocar los filetes de anchoas sobre la cubierta de atún.
    7.- Cocinar en un horno caliente.
    8.- Retirar del horno decorar con aceitunas negras en mitades
    Pizza Americana con Panceta y Huevos Fritos
    ¾ Taza de salsa de tomates
    Queso mantecoso (250 grs.)
    Panceta (150 grs.)
    Huevos fritos
    1.- Esparcir la salsa de tomates en la masa
    2.- Cubrir con queso mantecoso rallado o en láminas
    3.- Disponer las lonjas de pancetas sobre el queso. Acomodar los huevos fritos sobre el relleno
    4.- Hornear durante aprox. 3 a 5 minutos.
    5.- Retirar del horno, cortar y servir de inmediato.

    De: BETTY Fecha: 2010-02-22 22:59

    Hace 15 dias que me compre la maquina Moulinex que tampoco traía recetario,por lo que me puse loquita pero me animo a meterme a internet y los conoci a uds .gracias por sus comentarios son lo más y quiero decirle a Karamba que su pan dulce fue lo primero que me salio bien, estaba usando levadura fresca,pero no tan fresca gracias a todos y espero poder darles pronto alguna receta mia

    De: Esperanza Siachoque M. Fecha: 2010-03-13 23:26

    Holas todos
    Deseo inscribirme con ustedes ya que me regalaron una máquina para hacer el pan, me la enviaron de Francia y no tengo experiencia. Me gusta preparar platos de alta exigencia pero en cuanto a hacer pan poco y nada sé y me preocupa el asunto de la levadura su aplicación, agradezco sus consejos y el permitirme pertenecer a este club y compartir mis experiencias gracias.

    De: silvia cristina delgado Fecha: 2010-09-19 13:46

    poseo fabricadora atma ,con amplio recetario, pero quisiera variedad de panes con harinas integrales livianos para agregar semillas de chia, lino etc como los comprados.gracias

    De: Jeremy Vedder Fecha: 2019-03-18 01:37

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    De: QB Pro Advisor Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-11-13 20:50

    In an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
    March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
    This company is a scam artist.
    First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
    On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
    I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
    ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
    After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
    Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
    While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.
    To the beginning, how did this situation evolve?
    I am having an issue importing if files from my POS into QB Pro 2019. I can import using my admin, but unable to import by my second full access user. First I called QB at (800) 446-8848 and was informed there was a long wait time, but if I left my telephone number that my call would be returned. I left my telephone numbers (541) 476-9646 (work) and (541) 659-2439 (cellular), expecting a return telephone call from QB technical support. QB Pro Advisor Help
    Then, I got online (while in QB) and submitted my problem on the QB technical user community support board as follows:
    “Hello. I am using QP Pro 2019 desktop. I have two users. When the second user attempts to import and if file from my POS, he gets an error that he is unable to do this because he is not an admin. QB Pro Advisor Help
    My user is an admin and I can import if files without issue. QB Pro Advisor Help
    Does this mean that for my second user that I must give him my user and password to allow him to import if files? We import if file information from our POS daily.
    I am hoping there is a work around.

    De: QB Pro Advisor Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-11-13 20:50

    In an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
    March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
    This company is a scam artist.
    First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
    On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
    I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
    ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
    After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
    Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
    While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.
    To the beginning, how did this situation evolve?
    I am having an issue importing if files from my POS into QB Pro 2019. I can import using my admin, but unable to import by my second full access user. First I called QB at (800) 446-8848 and was informed there was a long wait time, but if I left my telephone number that my call would be returned. I left my telephone numbers (541) 476-9646 (work) and (541) 659-2439 (cellular), expecting a return telephone call from QB technical support. QB Pro Advisor Help
    Then, I got online (while in QB) and submitted my problem on the QB technical user community support board as follows:
    “Hello. I am using QP Pro 2019 desktop. I have two users. When the second user attempts to import and if file from my POS, he gets an error that he is unable to do this because he is not an admin. QB Pro Advisor Help
    My user is an admin and I can import if files without issue. QB Pro Advisor Help
    Does this mean that for my second user that I must give him my user and password to allow him to import if files? We import if file information from our POS daily.
    I am hoping there is a work around.

    De: QB Pro Advisor Help, 8559552048 Fecha: 2019-11-13 20:51

    In an email on February 21, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' stated " This is to inform you that your refund request has been taken into consideration. We have created the Refund ticket request & the refund would be processed in the same mode of payment within 7-10 business days.
    March 28, 2019 and April 1, 2019 'QB Pro Advisor Help' aka QUICKBOOKKEEPINGEXPERTS has reapplied the charge of 95.00 (00.00 + 5.00) to my business credit card.
    This company is a scam artist.
    First letter February 21, 2019 to 'QB Pro Advisor Help' copied to Capital One:
    On 02/21/2019 about 1:00pm a Ms. “Susan Taylor” (ST) contacted me by telephone concerning technical support for Intuit QuickBooks (QB) but it was QB Pro Advisor Help. She presented herself as a representative for QB. I was led to believe that ST worked for QB and was responding to my request for tech support. QB Pro Advisor Help
    I allowed ST to sign on to my computer remotely. ST informed me that my company file was 79% corrupted and when that corruption reached 84% that my company file data would be unrecoverable and lost. I was very concerned; I cannot afford to lose 10+ years of accounting data. QB Pro Advisor Help
    ST advised me of two solutions: 1) one-year support contract for 95.00 or 2) three-year support contract for 35.00. I told QB Pro Advisor Helpthat was a lot of money and too expensive. I asked what the cost was for a single instance of technical support to recover and stabilize my company data file; ST told me the charge is .00 per megabyte. My company file is approximately 232MB, so single instance support would be about 00.00.
    After some haggling, QB Pro Advisor Help ST offered the special deal of 95.00 for 42 months (3.5 years) of unlimited technical support and assured me that my present issue (including the reason for my seeking tech support) could be resolved in a few hours. Please remember: I had the understanding that I am communicating with an employee of QB, the designer of this software. I also am under the impression that doom and destruction await my company data file should I not respond and have this data recovery/repair completed immediately.
    Immediately (about 1:30pm) QB Pro Advisor Help ST transferred control of my computer to “Alex”. “Alex” worked remotely on my company data file until about 3:30pm, at which time he told me that the repair had been completed. I am still not positive the repair is completed since I have not yet used the software and company data file enough to verify that it is operating properly.
    While “Alex” was working remotely on my computer, I received and invoice # 2002197961 via email. I became concerned when I saw that this invoice was from “QB Pro Advisor Help” and not from “Intuit QuickBooks.” So, I telephoned QB at (800) 446-8848 and waited on hold for about 20 minutes until I could talk with a real person. Finally, I talked with a lady “Ron” and described my situation. I asked if “QB Pro Advisor Help” is a QB company. I was informed that they are not. I then discussed what the expense is for technical support from QB; I was told 9.95 per year, .95 per 3 months or .00 per month. “Ron” informed me that QB does not offer any technical support in greater than annual periods, she suggested I immediately stop payment. We discussed the possibility of this being a fraudulent transaction since “QB Pro Advisor Help” had misrepresented themselves as being QB. She also suggested I report this instance to the QB fraud department at, which I promptly did. There is no telephone number available to contact the Intuit QB fraud department directly. I am still waiting for a reply to this email fraud report.
    To the beginning, how did this situation evolve?
    I am having an issue importing if files from my POS into QB Pro 2019. I can import using my admin, but unable to import by my second full access user. First I called QB at (800) 446-8848 and was informed there was a long wait time, but if I left my telephone number that my call would be returned. I left my telephone numbers (541) 476-9646 (work) and (541) 659-2439 (cellular), expecting a return telephone call from QB technical support. QB Pro Advisor Help
    Then, I got online (while in QB) and submitted my problem on the QB technical user community support board as follows:
    “Hello. I am using QP Pro 2019 desktop. I have two users. When the second user attempts to import and if file from my POS, he gets an error that he is unable to do this because he is not an admin. QB Pro Advisor Help
    My user is an admin and I can import if files without issue. QB Pro Advisor Help
    Does this mean that for my second user that I must give him my user and password to allow him to import if files? We import if file information from our POS daily.
    I am hoping there is a work around.

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